Sunday, March 30, 2008

5 Weeks Left

Almost another week has passed, its all going by so fast! On Friday was my dad's memorial. It was exactly how he wanted it. Nothing fancy, not too serious, and everyone he cared about was there.

My aunts, cousins, and Uncle came up from Oregon (of course). It was a good time. I love spending time with them and I'm sure that will happen more and more since my dad has passed.

There isn't a whole lot new going on here. I have about 5 weeks until I graduate! My aunt wants me to walk but to me there is no point if nobody is going to be there. I'm going back to KS for graduation weekend and I'll still graduate but there is no point in walking if my family isn't there. I'll still have a diploma and I can walk across my living room floor if they want me to walk so bad!

I'm sure I'll talk to them more about it, but I will only walk under one condition; my aunts and cousin(s) go. Luke, my older cousin (the only one older than me) reminds me all the time that I'm going to graduate, which I will! Him and my dad were pretty close, after all he was the only kid around for 6 years till I came into the picture and ruined it haha!

Anyway, IF I walk, I want my aunt(s) to be there, and Luke at least, or maybe just Luke. Either way, I don't want to walk for nobody cause that's pointless! We'll see how it all pans out and I'll let you all know too.


Glo said...

I wish you all the best in what ever you decide to do.


Unknown said...

I hope you DO walk!!! I hope your family can make it- cause YOU earned it and you deserve to walk!

that's my two cents. =)

Not a Granny said...

Believe me if I could get there I would watch you Walk!


Jenna said...

I think it is worth it to walk. You have earned it, you did it, you get to be proud, not everyone earns a diploma. I was glad I did. Adam sent me a cardboard stand up of himself so he could "be there." My best friend offered to carry it to graduation, but it was a little to weird for me ;).

I agree with Lala. Maybe your Dad will see you, if you believe in that sort of thing.